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Not Paid Jobs

Total Paid: 524

Total Not Paid: 166

No Current Season Assignments Yet

Test 2 Tester


Recorded Season Year: 2024

No data was found
No Discount Amount Found
No Renewal Payment Found
No data was found
Job ID: 772
Payment Status: Not Paid
Season Status: Active
Does it Need Service? No

Products Count: 0

Not Counted

Install Dates

Don't Install Before: September 19, 2024
Install By: October 31, 2024

Remove Dates

Don't Remove Before: January 1, 2025
Remove By: February 1, 2025
Owner Keeps Lights: No
Roof Type: Unknown
Ladder Size: Unknown
Is the Goat Used: Unknown
Are there Gutter Guards? Unknown
Is it Attached to the Roof?: Unknown
Is it Attached to the Gutter?: Unknown
Is it Attached to the Fascia?: Unknown
Are Staples Used?: Unknown
Is Glue Used?: Unknown
Job Notes:


Job Details

No data was found
No Diagram Pictures Available
Hide 1234 Abc St, Pacoima`, California, 91331
No Current Season Assignments Yet

Test 2024 Test Laster


Recorded Season Year: 2024

Renewal Total:
$ 750.00
No Discount Amount Found
No Renewal Payment Found
No data was found
Job ID: 771
Payment Status: Not Paid
Season Status: Active
Does it Need Service? No

Products Count: 1

Not Counted

Install Dates

Don't Install Before: September 19, 2024
Install By: October 31, 2024

Remove Dates

Don't Remove Before: January 1, 2025
Remove By: February 1, 2025
Owner Keeps Lights: No
Roof Type: Unknown
Ladder Size: Unknown
Is the Goat Used: Unknown
Are there Gutter Guards? Unknown
Is it Attached to the Roof?: Unknown
Is it Attached to the Gutter?: Unknown
Is it Attached to the Fascia?: Unknown
Are Staples Used?: Unknown
Is Glue Used?: Unknown
Job Notes:

Hand the lights everywhere in my house

Job Details

LED Lights
Job Detail ID: 838
Color: Multi
Pattern: NONE
Qty: 250
1st Year Price: $ 6
1st Year Total: $ 1500.00
Renewal Price: $ 3.00
Renewal Total: $ 750.00
No Diagram Pictures Available
Hide 123 SUnsent Rd, Lee Summit, Missouri, 89646
No Current Season Assignments Yet




Renewal Total:
$ 390.00
No Discount Amount Found
No Renewal Payment Found
Date: December 21, 2023
First Year Balance
Billed amount: $650.00
Discount: $0.00
Paid: $650.00
Paid via: Venmo
Payment ID: 2391

Install Dates

Don't Install Before: October 1, 2023
Install By: November 30, 2023

Remove Dates

Don't Remove Before: January 1, 2024
Remove By: February 1, 2024
Owner Keeps Lights: Yes
Roof Type: Metal
Ladder Size: 16ft Ext
Is the Goat Used: Unknown
Are there Gutter Guards? Unknown
Is it Attached to the Roof?: Unknown
Gutter Attached: Yes
Is it Attached to the Fascia?: Unknown
Are Staples Used?: Unknown
Is Glue Used?: Unknown
Job Notes:

across the front and down "street side"

Job Details

LED Lights
Job Detail ID: 831
Color: CWW
Pattern: NONE
Qty: 130
1st Year Price: $ 5.00
1st Year Total: $ 650.00
Renewal Price: $ 3.00
Renewal Total: $ 390.00
Created: January 11, 2024 10:29am
Job ID: #762
Picture ID: #3333
Category: House Diagram

Tab to enlarge

Tab to enlarge

Hide 307 NW Ponderosa, Lees Summit, Missouri, 64064
No Current Season Assignments Yet



(620) 481-1970

Recorded Season Year: 2023

Renewal Total:
$ 813.00
No Discount Amount Found
No Renewal Payment Found
No data was found
Job ID: 726
Payment Status: Not Paid
Season Status: Canceled
Does it Need Service? No

Products Count: 1

Not Counted

Install Dates

Don't Install Before: October 1, 2024
Install By: November 28, 2024

Remove Dates

Don't Remove Before: January 2, 2025
Remove By: February 1, 2025
Owner Keeps Lights: No
Roof Type: Unknown
Ladder Size: Unknown
Is the Goat Used: Unknown
Are there Gutter Guards? Unknown
Is it Attached to the Roof?: Unknown
Is it Attached to the Gutter?: Unknown
Is it Attached to the Fascia?: Unknown
Are Staples Used?: Unknown
Is Glue Used?: Unknown
Job Notes:

Job Details

LED Lights
Job Detail ID: 786
Color: Red-CWW
Pattern: NONE
Qty: 271
1st Year Price: $ 5.75
1st Year Total: $ 1558.25
Renewal Price: $ 3.00
Renewal Total: $ 813.00
No Diagram Pictures Available
Hide 11728 Canterbury Ct, Leawood, Kansas, 66211